Goals vs. Directions
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Goals vs. Directions
Goals are often misunderstood. People set goals for themselves and when they don’t reach them they think of themselves as a failure. Some even set the goals for themselves so high, that they’re impossible to reach, so you feel like a failure all the time.
I was certainly “guilty” of this.
Goals are merely a point to keep you going in the right direction.
They are there so every time you need to assure yourself that you’re on the right track you can take a look at your goal to see if the steps you’re taking really get you closer to it.
If you don’t reach your goal, not a problem.
If on the way to your goal you find other interesting things and you change your goal, not a problem.
If you realize the goal you set for yourself doesn’t work for you anymore and you change it, not a problem.
Goals are not set in stone and they don’t judge you.
Don’t even concentrate on them too much. Set them for once and then don’t think about them anymore. Just check in with them every once in a while to see if you’re still going in the right direction.
Reaching your goal is just taking the steps, one at a time.
Concentrate on the step, not on the goal.
How to get clarity about your goals?
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