Nothing Times Infinity
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Nothing Times Infinity
I get it.
There are “bad” days. Days, on which you just don’t feel like working on your project, whatever it might be. Maybe you feel a little under the weather, you’re exhausted because the boss of your day job has given you a hard time, your kids suck your energy just right out of you, …
And then you feel guilty.
Because you feel you should get some writing done (or whatever your project consists of), but you just don’t feel like it.
What do you do?
Keep this in mind:
When your body needs rest, and I mean really rest, not just “I’m not in the mood”, then rest. Listen to your body. Accept it and relax as much as possible.
If you just don’t feel like it, and you know that if you do nothing to move your project further you’re going to have a bad conscience, you have a decision to make.
How is your energy level?
If your energy level is fine, you just sit down and do the work. “Don’t feel like it” is just a message from the mind that will disappear when you concentrate on the work.
If your energy level is low and you keep debating with yourself if you should do some work or not, then do this:
Pick one thing, one very simple thing that you can do today, that doesn’t take a great amount of energy and time. And just do this little thing.
Doing a little thing is times infinitely more than doing zero.
If you do nothing, you will stay where you are. But if you just do a little bit every day, even if you don’t feel like it, you will move ahead.
How to control “I don’t feel like it” and get rid of it?
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