Jack of No Trades
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Jack of No Trades
I’m sure you know those kinds of people, no matter what you’re talking about, they just need to show off how much they know about that. They always have all the answers.
I bet everyone has one of them in their circle of friends. If you don’t, maybe you are the one.
There’s an essential flaw in thinking you know (or you need to know) all the answers: Knowing all the answers (or thinking that you do, because nobody can know them all) keeps you from learning. From going forward. From becoming a true professional at something.
You can do ANYTHING you want but you can’t do EVERYTHING you want.
If you find yourself trying to be good at everything you do, try to figure out the reason behind it. It may be you don’t trust yourself enough to have the courage to focus on the ONE thing that you WANT to do.
So, it’s fear that holds you back.
Or, maybe you just want to impress others. We all fall victim to that. But that’s also fear. Instead of just being who you are you try to appear different, in the hopes of being accepted, leaving an impression, being loved…
The Jack of all trades in reality is a Jack of no trades. Because everybody has to divide their time between many things. Imagine how good you could become at one thing if you focused your time and energy on that. Instead of wasting your energy on trying to impress others.
If you could be a Jack of ONE trade, what would your trade be?
Do you want to be a writer maybe?
Find your focus and spend your energy on being inspired:
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