Nothing Bad Ever Happens To A Writer
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Nothing Bad Ever Happens To A Writer
I don’t know who coined that phrase. Certainly wasn’t me.
What it means is that no matter what happens to us, in our lives, personal tragedies, setbacks, whatever it might be, we can always write about it.
Something that seems way better than feeling miserably (or more miserably than “necessary”) about it.
It can even be a well of inspiration for your self help book, novel, screenplay, blog, and so on.
We all have things in our lives that stop us in our tracks, that push us in a different direction, that make us feel somewhat less worthy to lead a happy life than others (for whatever reason).
So, if something happens to you, take it as source material. Since you’re experiencing it first hand, you’re automatically an expert on the topic.
Make it something other people can relate to. Put it into a story. Write about how you overcame it (or how you are living with it).
There are a ton of possibilities how you can turn a tragic event into a success as a writer.
You just need to find the courage to talk about it.
How to find this courage?
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