How To Use And Customize Your Title Page In WriterDuet
WriterDuet Title Page
Let’s see how you can set up and use the title page in WriterDuet.
By default, every project that you create, comes with it’s own title page document.
To open that, go to “File – Title Page”.
The title page will open up in a new tab and it basically works just like other documents in WriterDuet.
You place your cursor to where you want to add or change text, and then, take a look at the left side, at the line types.
In case you can’t see them, look for the “Line Types” button in the sidebar on the left, or go to “Format – Line Type” and select the desired line type there.
You see that there are pre-configured line types for Title, Author, Address, and such, so basically you just need to pick and choose.
Or, you can always just use the normal “Text” line type for anything that is not included in the pre-defined types.
Export with or without Title Page
There’s a more detailed explanation in the article about exporting how to include or exclude the title page in your output, but let me just show you real quick where you find the settings for that.
If it’s just for default PDF export, go to “Customize – PDF” and check or uncheck the title page box there.
If it’s for general export, go to “File – Export” and then, choose a file format that is not WriterDuet, and down below in the “Export” sub-section you can include or exclude the title page from this export.
Sync Name and Title Page
Depending on your project settings, WriterDuet might automatically fill in your name and the project title in your title page.
In case you want to change that setting, go to the “Project” section in the side bar, then click on the three-dot-menu next to the project name up top and choose “Project Settings”.
There you can change the project name and the author name, as well as check or uncheck, if those two are synced with the title page.
You could also change the template of the current document, in this case the title page, if you wanted to.