What Is Your Most Inspired Time Worth?
Your not equally inspired throughout the whole day.
There are times where writing comes more easily and others where it’s almost impossible.
I, for example, need to write in the morning when my mind is still fresh. But others do it in the evening.
For myself, I try to get my things done and then take the evening off. Others do a whole lot of other stuff throughout the day and then they thrive in the evening.
The thought of leaving my writing as the last thing in the day would make me super nervous, but everybody is different.
The point here isn’t when your most creative time is, but KNOWING when it it, so you can plan accordingly. As far as other life circumstances allow, of course.
So, imagine you’re in your most creative time, are you trying to use it as much as possible for your writing? Or are you cramming other stuff in there?
I’m asking that because the {!global Membership Site Product Name} that I’ve created… Depending on how you use it it might be really useful for you… Or just a big waste of your writing time.
So here comes the one-minute guide on how to use it:
When you’re trying to learn a software entirely (or almost entirely), which you can do there, you will want to take some time and really watch a couple of videos in a row, and figure the stuff out that I’m teaching you.
It’s not rocket science but you will remember it better when you can recreate the steps and try them out on your own.
Now, is it a good idea to do that in your most inspired time? Probably not. Compared to writing, learning a writing software is not such a complex task if the guide is well done.
On the other hand, if you’re in the midst of writing, and there one piece of information missing that you need to use a certain function in your software in order to get your creative writing ahead, do you postpone looking it up in the {!global Membership Site Product Name} only because you want to keep writing?
Probably not. It depends on the case but the best way might be to jump to the {!global Membership Site Product Name} really quickly, take three minutes to find what you need and then get back to your writing.
Managing what tasks you do on which parts of the day and how to make best use of your most creative time is something that is important to learn, otherwise you will waste so much time and energy for nothing.
That’s why all my writing software course videos are as short and succinct as possible, so that if you have to break your writing routine to check something out real quick, that break is kept to an absolute minimum and you can go back to being creative.