How To Avoid Spelling Mistakes With Final Draft 12
Final Draft 12 Spell Checker
In this lesson we’ll have a quick look at Final Draft’s spell checker to avoid typos and other errors in your script before you hand it out.
To use the spell checker go to “Tools – Spelling”.
Final Draft lists you all the words here that are used in the script and that it couldn’t find in its dictionary.
It offers you alternatives and you can choose whether to use them or ignore it and keep the word you typed as is.
If you use a certain word that Final Draft cannot find in its dictionary quite often you can add it to the dictionary. This will keep Final Draft from trying to correct it in the future.
If you find an error more than once in your script you can correct them all at once by clicking “replace all”.
In the options you can choose that language that you want Final Draft to use, there are several versions of English listed and some other common languages.
You can also choose whether you want Final Draft to check for Capitalization errors and for repeated words.
If you activate Automatic spell checking, Final Draft will mark words that it cannot find in the dictionary with a red zig-zag line underneath. This one is usually checked.
You can also use the Thesaurus in Final Draft, to use it just right-click on any word in your script and choose “Look Up”.
This opens the word in sort of a preview dictionary. Now, if you click on “open in dictionary” at the bottom the dictionary App opens and you can choose “English Thesaurus” from the top menu.
If you’re on the PC, to access the thesaurus go to Home – Thesaurus or Tools – Thesaurus.