Bela Lampert

Optioned Screenwriter / Yoga Instructor

Wasted Time

[vc_row][vc_column][templatera id="64679"][mkd_elements_holder][mkd_elements_holder_item][vc_column_text] Wasted Time Many people complain about not having enough time. "If only the day had an hour more". But if the day had an hour more, it had an hour more for everyone. And you would demand more of yourself, ending up complaining, "if only...

Which Fights to Fight

[vc_row][vc_column][templatera id="64679"][mkd_elements_holder][mkd_elements_holder_item][vc_column_text] Which Fights to Fight Fights need energy. You can't fight every person who is "wrong" in your opinion every time. It's just a question of numbers. If you keep looking for people who are "wrong" you keep finding them. And you're outnumbered. Why not instead, focus on...

What If

[vc_row][vc_column][templatera id="64679"][mkd_elements_holder][mkd_elements_holder_item][vc_column_text] What If What if you lose a lot of time thinking, "what if". What if you put that time to better use to do something that inspires you. Something that brings you joy. Something that inspires someone else. What if working on that makes you so happy and focused...

A Bad Day

[vc_row][vc_column][templatera id="64679"][mkd_elements_holder][mkd_elements_holder_item][vc_column_text] A Bad Day "I've had a bad day!" or "I'm having a bad day." You hear people say it all the time. When was the last time you said it yourself? Try to remember that day. What happened? What made that day bad? I'm sure you can come...

There Are No Voices

[vc_row][vc_column][templatera id="64679"][mkd_elements_holder][mkd_elements_holder_item][vc_column_text] There Are No Voices Do you catch yourself sometimes having imaginary arguments with people about something that might happen in the future? I do. But since I've become aware of them I try to avoid them as much as possible. Because they're not real. This is a psychological...

Don’t Ask Permisison

[vc_row][vc_column][templatera id="64679"][mkd_elements_holder][mkd_elements_holder_item][vc_column_text] Don't Ask Permisison Oftentimes when we want to pursue our goals we check with others what they think about it. What good does that do? There are two possible outcomes: One, they are supportive because they are nice people and we made a good decision about having them...

Risk Your Job

[vc_row][vc_column][templatera id="64679"][mkd_elements_holder][mkd_elements_holder_item][vc_column_text] Risk Your Job I read somewhere that you need to risk your job if you want to continue to be successful. I don't remember where I read it or who said it. It's like "if you want to learn to fly you need to risk to...

Routines That Kill You

[vc_row][vc_column][templatera id="64679"][mkd_elements_holder][mkd_elements_holder_item][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][vc_column_text] Routines That Kill You As we grow older we develop more and more patterns. Habits. Most of them we aren't even aware of. And the more time we spend with these patters, the harder it gets to change them. But change is an important factor for development. Be...

Do It! Don’t Do It!

[vc_row][vc_column][templatera id="64679"][mkd_elements_holder][mkd_elements_holder_item][vc_column_text] Do It! Don't Do It! There are two sides to everything. If you just concentrate to one of them, you'll run in circles and get nowhere. Some examples: If you're an athlete and you only train and don't relax, you'll be exhausted and sick in no time If...

Mutually Exclusive States

[vc_row][vc_column][templatera id="64679"][mkd_elements_holder][mkd_elements_holder_item][vc_column_text] Mutually Exclusive States Some emotional states are mutually exclusive. They cannot happen at the same time. Examples: you cannot be happy while your complaining while you worry what others think of you you cannot concentrate fully on the task at hand when you're in a constant state of fear...