How To Add And Handle Custom Metadata In Scrivener
[vc_row][vc_column][templatera id="66973"][mkd_elements_holder][mkd_elements_holder_item][vc_column_text] Scrivener Custom Metadata Let’s look at metadata in Scrivener. As you might be aware already, Scrivener saves a whole lot information with every document that you have in the binder apart from the content of the document itself. These are things like the creation date, if that...
How To Create And Assign Keywords In Scrivener
[vc_row][vc_column][templatera id="65872"][mkd_elements_holder][mkd_elements_holder_item][vc_column_text] Scrivener Keywords If you’ve been using Scrivener a bit, until now you might be familiar with the concept that in Scrivener you can add certain information to each of the documents that helps you structure your project, as in, keep everything that you have inside...
How To Add And Handle Project And Document Bookmarks In Scrivener
[vc_row][vc_column][templatera id="65872"][mkd_elements_holder][mkd_elements_holder_item][vc_column_text] Scrivener Bookmarks After having worked with Scrivener for a while you will notice that very quickly the number of the documents you have in your project will increase dramatically. Once you get used to using the power of this nonlinear way of creating and organizing things,...
How To Use Label And Status In Scrivener
[vc_row][vc_column][templatera id="65872"][mkd_elements_holder][mkd_elements_holder_item][vc_column_text] Scrivener - Label And Status Scrivener gives you many possibilities to store metadata with your documents, and we will have a closer look at metadata in another video, but an example for probably the most used metadata that you can use are label and status,...
How To Use Synopsis And Notes In Scrivener
[vc_row][vc_column][templatera id="65872"][mkd_elements_holder][mkd_elements_holder_item][vc_column_text] Scrivener - Synopsis And Notes Let’s talk about synopses and notes in Scrivener. As you know, Scrivener stores many different documents inside one project file, out of which you can create your final document. Or you can use those documents to hold research and all other...
How To Export Documents From Scrivener
[vc_row][vc_column][templatera id="65872"][mkd_elements_holder][mkd_elements_holder_item][vc_column_text] Scrivener Export Let’s look at how you can export files from Scrivener. Since Scrivener can hold many documents inside one project, you will want to export one or more of those documents from time to time to hand it to other people who don’t use Scrivener. And...
How To Imort All Kinds Of Files Into Scrivener
[vc_row][vc_column][templatera id="65872"][mkd_elements_holder][mkd_elements_holder_item][vc_column_text] Scrivener File Import In this article I’m going to show you a bunch of different import options for Scrivener, many of which have made MY life a lot easier and I want to share them with you. Here’s what we’ll be going through: • How to import...
How To Use and Set Up The Outiner View In Scrivener
[vc_row][vc_column][templatera id="65872"][mkd_elements_holder][mkd_elements_holder_item][vc_column_text] Scrivener Outliner View Let’s talk about Scrivener’s Outliner View. This is the third view mode, apart from the document view and the corkboard view. To activate it, you have these three view mode buttons in the toolbar, and the outliner view is the one on the...
How To Split And Merge Documents In Scrivener
[vc_row][vc_column][templatera id="65872"][mkd_elements_holder][mkd_elements_holder_item][vc_column_text] Scrivener Splitting and Merging Since in Scrivener you will be most likely be working with several different documents out of which you will creat your final output, you will run into a situation where you will want to join two documents together or you might...
Viewing And Handling Multiple Documents (“Scrivenings”) In Scrivener
[vc_row][vc_column][templatera id="65872"][mkd_elements_holder][mkd_elements_holder_item][vc_column_text] Multiple Documents In Scrivener In this article we will take a look at how you can view how to handle multiple documents in Scrivener at once and also how you can split and join documents. Since Scrivener is a so-called nonlinear writing application that lets you...